Saturday afternoon the BF and I headed over to the Mondrian Hotel to hear Chino spin on the 1's and 2's and also to celebrate my dear friend, Aaron's, birthday. Chino hooked us up with a lounge bed area thingy and we were all cold maxin and relaxin on the bed while drinking our frozen mojitos. The sun was shining and it was hotter than hell outside. We do live in AZ for crying out loud. I was finally tipsy enough to make my way to the pool and show off my goodies in a pool of plastic girls and all their lipo. Ok, I'm lying, some of these women look like they work their asses off in the gym.. i'm just too lazy to do that. Hence why I'm fatter than them. LOL. Oh well. So I was minding my own business in the pool talking with some girlfriends when I felt this gawd awful pinch/poke/bite in my arm. When I looked down a damn bee was chillin in my arm. The fucker stung me. After swating him off my arm, I had to pull the stinger out. Thank goodness for alcohol.. I don't think I felt it bad as I would have if I had been sober. LOL. I went home and passed out..and when I woke at 10pm, I felt nauseous... I ran past the bf and hurled chunks into the toilet. GROSS!!!! I don't know if it was because of the alcohol, the sun, or the damn bee. Although, I was sick the next 2 days, so I think it was the bee sting. Bastard ass!!! Here's a few pics of what the bee sting looked like a few days later.
Don't mind the fat arm!!! it's the angle of the camera! LOL.

Can you see the rash around the bite? That's all the poison the bee left behind. No wonder why I wasn't feeling the greatest.

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