This site is dedicated to all the gossip whores, fashionista's, sillygooses, and anyone else who feels like reading it. I'm not a "real" writer, so don't expect any words of wisdom. Forgive me for all the mispelling and improper grammar that I WILL use when writing these blogs. I'm a well rounded person who loves her friends, family, boyfriend, gossip, and tv. I love to have cocktails and spend money. I don't give into trends and I bargain shop. I don't dress to impress, I am who I am. If you want clothing advise, see my girl Hoody two Shoes. I'm an open-minded person, so if you're closed minded, don't bother reading this. I'm all for interracial relationships, gay rights, and all that other political shit! So let the blogging begin...
Hollyweird?!?!If by chance you've been living under a rock for the last few days, then you haven't heard that Britney Spears has lost custody of her kids. Oh snap, Gina! It's about fucking time if you ask me. The poor sap needs help. Here's a pic of her cute kiddies emulating their famous-for-all-the-wrong-reasons mother. They're driving around LA without having a license. Oy!!!! Ha, just kidding ya'll... they're with what appears to be their nanny.

Ok, this is all for today. I'm off to my second job! A life of a princess is busy busy. Lol. Ok, a Wannabe princess. Anywho, I'll holla tomorrow! Two fingers in the air. I'm out!
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