Since I will be at work and in school all day tomorrow, I won't be able to get on to give my thanks, so I'm going to do it now.
Just like David Letterman, here is my Top 10 List:
10. Thankful for my job, because right now not everyone has one.
9. Thankful for Adrian over at HP... you know why!!!
8. My DVR... I would be lost without you
7. My Home and Car.... sometimes I complain about you Guy Del Scorcho (my cars name), but you've been good to me!
6. My BBM and Facebook for without you my days would seem so much longer
5. I'm thankful that I've been able to hit the gym and lose 20 pounds!
4. My Niece, Nephew and Godkids.... you make me want to be a better role model!
3. Dearly Departed, Summer, Fantastic Family, James, and all my dear friends (you know who you are).... you all keep me focused and on my game.
2. My family -this includes you Iglesias Family ...ya'll show me what unconditional love truly means! Love you all
1. Rookie - Baby, I'm thankful that you're the kind of man every girl wishes for. You've seen me at my best and my worst and you still love me anyway. LOL. We are a team and I will forever love you.