Tuesday afternoon my mom and dad put the family dog to sleep. He had cancer that was spreading and he was unable to walk. It was so sad to watch especially knowing the kind of dog he once was. It wasn't an easy decision to make, but one that was necessary. I will miss him for as long as I live. Jake, you were the best dog ever and I will forever miss you.
Here are a few things that I will remember about you:
Playing hide-n-seek with Laura and me (seriously, we would hide and he would find us)
You afraid of the vacuum cleaner and ironing board....always running from them
Never wanting to go in the backyard to pee by yourself...you were so spoiled. I loved how I would tell you to go outside and you would lie on your back with your paws in the air because you knew I couldn't pick you up that way to put you outside.
How dad would ground you from the front yard after you would take off down the street to the neighbors house. What dog do you know that would get grounded?
I am going to miss how you would talk to me about your day.... (no, I'm not crazy, the dog would make moaning noises like he was talking).
Or when we would have people at the house and dad would yell at you to go lie down on your bed and you would go and pout in the corner and sigh the whole time.
Or when Laura and I would play fight with one another and which ever one of us that was getting "beat up" you would nibble and slobber on the arm of the attacker. It was so funny because it was like you were trying to defend whoever was getting their ass kicked. But you always made sure not to "bite" too hard. It was like you knew we were all playing.
I loved how when I would sleep over at the house and Laura and I would share the bed, you would jump between us and sleep with us, and then get so annoyed in the middle of the night because there was no room that you would go to the floor.
I'm gonna miss how Laura and I would run into her room with you following behind us and then we would try to hold the door shut on you so you couldn't get in, and you would whine and cry and push your way thru until you got in. It was like you always had to be around us.
I love when Laura and I would say the word, "Walk" or "Coffee" and you would get so damn excited that you would haul ass around the house and start jumping over the couch and then dad would yell at you to behave. He would always talk to you like you were a person.
Jake, you were one of my best friends, so loyal and kind. You will be missed my friend. Rest in peace, boy!